Mark and I got a chance to finish things up for the nursery this last weekend. Now everything is ready to go and washed and clean. We are still looking for a picture for one of our walls but we are being pretty picky about what we want. And then there is light switch/nightlight that was ordered, a delivery attempt, and then returned to Target...still not sure exactly what happened.
I had a Doctors appointment on Monday and have officially met all 4 of the doctors in the practice that could potentially deliver little Hubbard. Things are looking good. It is always so comforting to hear the baby's heart beating away at those appointments. I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced...too bad that doesn't give me any indication of when the baby will actually arrive. I am however, finally at the point where they said things should be fine if baby were to come now, which is great news! I guess only time will tell when we finally get to meet him/her.
Glad to see you're blogging. We'll be able to follow your journey from afar.