Monday, November 30, 2009

What happened to November?

My head is spinning. Not sure what happened to the month of November or the supposedly long Thanksgiving weekend. All this house stuff is keeping us so busy. There is always something else to do. I am a list person and my list never gets finished. But soon enough I will be asking what happened to December and we will hopefully be settled in our new place making preparations for Hannah to join our family.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We enjoyed an afternoon/evening over at our friends Dave and Tanya's new place. The food was delicious. The company was great. AND Jack slept through the meal allowing us to concentrate on eating the yummy food.

The day after Turkey Day, Black Friday if you will...we did a marathon shopping trip. Walmart, Target, down to Denver for Kohls, SofaMart, American Furniture Warehouse, and Walmart again. Both my boys did great. Neither Mark or I particularly enjoy shopping but we saved a lot of money and were able to get some things for our house that will soon be a rental.

The rest of the weekend was spent packing. We are trying to get as much done as possible so that we can enjoy our time with family this weekend and avoid a repeat of the last move. We packed virtually nothing since we were only moving 2 blocks and it was a disaster. We are going about a half a mile this time and WE ARE PACKING.

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