Friday, May 29, 2009

Visit to school

So my new job as Jack's mom is going great! I love him so much and he is growing and changing every day. I love watching him kick and flail his arms - and I love to watch the little faces he makes. He is a champion sleeper at night. In fact, he slept so well last night that he decided he should be awake and learn about the world from 8am to 3 pm today. Great, except for I couldn't get anything done. He was slightly less than content if I wasn't holding him or holding the pacifier in his mouth...we're gonna work on this.

Today was the day to introduce Jack to the kiddos I worked with the last couple years. We made a visit to the middle school just to say "Hi." The boys were excited to see him. One kept saying "baby" and the other would say "so cute." I do miss them, so it was great to see them.


  1. so fun that the boys got to meet jack? which boys are with you and jack in the picture?


  2. Charlie and Steven. They will be 8th graders next year.
