Monday, July 5, 2010

My Kids 1st Birthday Cakes

Okay, so Jack's birthday was in May and I kind of posted a picture of his cake. But, I wanted to really document both my kids cakes in this post. I already love making cakes and have a little side-business selling them...BUT, I really LOVED making the cakes for my own kiddos. I did my best to try and personalize them as much as possible.

Jack and Hannah have a jungle safari themed room - elephants, giraffes, etc. When Jack was born he ended up with a lot of giraffe stuff - clothing, toys, blankets, etc. Last Halloween we thought it very fitting he dress up as a giraffe. We also took his monthly pictures on a giraffe. Therefore, Jack had a giraffe cake.

Hannah was a little harder to come up with a theme. At first, we thought a lion because she does this cute little roar. However, as her personality has continued to emerge (although this is hard to miss if you have ever met her) we decided a butterfly cake was the most fitting for her as she is a true social butterfly. She likes everyone! So a butterfly cake it was.
Pics still to follow of her b-day celebration.

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